Cargo from America to Russia
Cargo delivery from America to Russia — is difficult, multistage transaction which involves road and sea transport. This delivery is classified as maritime international transportation. Ruslogistic offers you quickly and securely to deliver any kind of goods from the USA to Russia. USA Delivery DetailsCargo from America to Russia carried out by special transport vessels. Depending on situation, we use the following ports: St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga, Kotka, Hamina, Helsinki in Finland, Klaipeda, Riga, Tallinn in the Baltic States. Such delivery type belongs to container transports which are considered as the most economic and rational options. On customers request to deliver cargo as fast as possible we use avia delivery. Customs clearanceTransportation of goods from the USA to Russia is followed by solution of bureaucratic questions connected on customs clearance. In Ruslogistic company experienced specialists engaged many years in customs clearance and quickly, effectively and profitably carry out all necessary works on preparation of documents, get the necessary permissions. Cargo insuranceWe responsibly approach a question of insurance of transported property. The probability of financial risks for clients of Ruslogistic company aims at zero. Each load is insured and protected from the moment of the beginning of loading in a warehouse in America and finishing with unloading in a warehouse in Russia. Besides, cargo delivery from the USA takes place with observance of all requirements ensuring physical safety of products. Even if you order delivery of fragile items, you can be sure that they will arrive to you to integrities and safety. Ruslogistic - the foreign trade agent in the USAIf you do business in America and you are interested in delivery of combined freights from the USA to Russia our specialists will undertake these works with pleasure. |