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Cargo from Europe to Russia

Russian business is working closely with the European, so transportation from Europe to Russia is one of the most popular services the sphere of logistics. Ruslogistic company offers a full range of cargo delivery from the European countries to Russia:

  • optimal route  transportation;
  • customs clearance;
  • consultations by preparation of allowing documents;
  • cargo insurance.

Cargo delivery from Europe to Russia

Transportation of goods to Russia is carried out from Europe from warehouse (which you specify) to your or our warehouse in Russia ( Dzerzhinsky city, Moscow region), or to  our own consolidation warehouse in Lithuania. If you need you can take away your goods from there.
In most cases cargo delivery from Europe to Russia takes about 10 - 14 days. More exact terms depend on the specific country and some other factors, however we always aim to deliver your freight as fast as possible.

Delivery   price

Shipping cost door-to-door consists of the following factors:

  1. Type, weight and amount of freight.
  2. Delivery point.

Customs clearance

In Ruslogistic company staff of professional managers on a customs clearance who will undertake all works on a customs clearance of your cargo.
Our specialists we have gained experience in dealing with even the most complex tasks, so they quickly and effectively cope with the preparation of all necessary documents.

Cargo  insurance

We offer different ways of cargo insurance and several large insurance companies as the agent.
Ruslogistic insures all freights from the moment of the beginning of loading before unloading to the client. It does not matter whether your goods in transit or waiting in warehouse in Europe - it is insured.

Foreign trade agent

Ruslogistic company suggests you to choose us as the foreign trade agent. We will help you to establish cooperation with any producer in Europe, we will process all necessary documents and carry out transportation.
