Мы в соц сетях:
Мы в соц сетях:

Customs services

Management of foreign economic activity, in particular custom documentation is rather complicated and labor-intensive process requiring competent and well-qualified customs specialists, logistics and other areas of trade activities. Inexperienced and not enough qualified staff can lead the company FEA participant will face difficulties (economic risks).

Most small companies in order to save, try to arrange customs documentation on their own. But actually, it leads only to new expenditure and delay the resolution.

Customs services in a professional manner

Competent calculation of customs duties and other payments is an irreplaceable condition for successful FEA transaction. Payment transactions are carried according to the law "About a Customs Tariff", and also based on effective rates of the national duties established by regulatory legal acts of customs authorities.

таможенные услуги

Full range of customs services:

  • assignment of HS codes;
  • preparation of necessary allowing documents (including certificates of conformity, exemption letters, conclusions of export control and so on);
  • calculation of customs payments;
  • registration, preparation of transport documents (TIR Carnet, international sample of invoices, invoices, co-packing lists);
  • Declarant Services

Our company has an extensive experience in the custom area. We guarantee correct accomplishment of formalities with all nuances and peculiarities of customs clearance documentation, optimum HS code selection in calculation of customs duties. It allows you to save finance and avoid downtime.

Our destinations
